Tuesday, 15 September 2009

What about the Palestinians?

Creative Commons License
Philosophy Cube by S.H.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

According to history, many of the Palestinian grandfathers sold their land to Jewish immigrants. Is it right for their grandchildren to claim shares of land when they would not have inherited any to begin with? Perhaps only the Palestinians whose land was stolen should be involved with the call for land. However, the entire country was destroyed, the greater share of land stolen (as opposed to being purchased) and a civilization imprisoned. A complete mess, unfortunately war always is.....

The Human Rights violations (in all cases) are a completely separate issue, land or no land. Every human being should be able to live without persecution. A very sad situation. What is even worse is that above all people, the Israelis should know not to persecute others, because of their history.....

Hypocrisy when people are aware of their hypocritical nature is self serving. More dangerous, is the hypocrisy that appears when people truly believe they are on the righteous path and still act unethically. Is that possible, to be able to overlook such blatant contradictions of morals? Can the mind and heart be powerful enough to completely blind a human being's sense of reason?

Unfortunately, atrocities in Israel, only serve to reinforce prejudice European viewpoints established before and during WWII.... Very sad, especially as the Ten Commandments and the Message of Moses was about freedom from persecution, kindness, and other virtues.

Monday, 7 September 2009


Creative Commons License
Philosophy Cube by S.H.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Are We Really Here?

Are we really here? Is our reality technically real. I feel, I touch, I smell, I see, I hear, I taste, and “I think, therefore I am”. But our existence is so limited by only these senses and the interactions we have with our environment through our senses, mind, heart, and body. These are all perceptions and a form of reality though how is it that my reality and your reality are one and the same.

On Playstation home, video gaming has now created an online world where you interact with other players in a real time environment. If the technology increases, to stimulate all five senses does that make that world real. If I get hurt in that world, and this impacts my body in “the real world” then does that make the Playstation world another form of reality? I undoubtedly believe NO.

Do we all live in different worlds, perceiving different thoughts and ideas? Yes, as human beings we definitely have different thoughts and ideas, and my perception of reality will be completely different from the person sitting next to me. However, do all of these worlds interact and collide together to form a superworld that we all mesh and function in one unit or one reality. Something that is created in your reality or sub world can completely impact my subworld by it’s wave ripple through the superworld. However, this may not make total sense as in the deepest darkest oceans, there are sea creatures that exist and their reality or realness is apparent and effects the superworld. Some of these sea creatures do not see, hear, feel, taste, smell, or think, yet they still do exist. Is it possible to deny their existence? One cannot because the elimination of their subworld would send ripples through the food chain and cause impact upon the superworld which effects my reality and your reality simultaneously.

Our current physical reality is very clear during our waking moments and when we are in a world interacting with others around us. The world of dreams is perhaps another issue left for another day.....