Saturday, 29 May 2010

Political Correctness in the Corporate World

The corporate world... Just the words sends shivers down my spine.

Anyway, I have a theory about the corporate world - however I am not completely sure that my theory does not have large holes in it. There are too many people with opposing viewpoints, personality, belief systems and ideologies within the corporate world for a unified group of employees to have any strong viewpoints or vision of the future.

Stating that, there will always be people who disagree with one another, however the corporate world ensures that everyone plays "nice" and the majority of people are not free to communicate their true thoughts and beliefs on company initiatives, business goals, management style, etc. Fear guides this as well, as many employees will not rock the boat.

This lack of transparency (and truth) on a larger scale is devastating to the organization yet necessary at the same time. The organization can not achieve true greatness without the unadulterated input of the people, yet the organization can not exist if all people are bickering amongst one another.

I suppose this is where strong leadership is important, where people feel comfortable stating they do not like an idea, though in the end the leader decides and it is supported by a majority of staff members (both inside and out).

I do not know, though political correctness and lack of freedom of expression is suffocating within itself, and that is a prospect that is difficult to enjoy.

Music and Expressions of the Heart

I read a poster the other day that stated "Music expresses what words cannot". This touched me deeply... As an avid fan of music, I have often wondered why music is capable of penetrating a layer of the self that mere words can not.

When we hear beautiful music, it fills a space completely and one is surrounded with the beauty and joy of creative expression. I believe there is more meaning to the poster than what appears at first glance. Language utilizes a certain portion of cerebral activity; however the heart (containing brain cells) and thoughts associated with emotion may not have the most prime way of communicating by utilizing the section of the brain devoted to language alone. Music may express, quite literally, feelings and emotions on a level that affects our heart and may translate our emotions into a depth, that is not understandable by language alone.

Friday, 21 May 2010

The Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind is constantly giving us signals in the form of feelings that a rational mind may find difficult to interpret or understand. However, I believe that it is important to place emphasis on these feelings rather than soley base one's life decisions upon logic and "reason." As our conscious mind, is only utilizing upto 10% of the brain's true capabilities - the question arises what is the other 90% doing.

When I dream, I often hear the most beautiful music that I am unable to transcribe on to pen and paper because it is there in my mind for the split moment, and then vanishes into the dream itself. Similarly, I believe the subconscious mind is capable of providing inspiration, guidance and true interpretation to that daily stage that is our lives. The key is to isolate that voice and take the time to really hear and feel what is happening within ourselves. I suppose that is where meditation may be beneficial, however I have not actually tried true meditation. To embrace nothingness, and perish all thoughts within my mind has not been an easy task.

Saying that, tying all thoughts together into one powerful and focused frequency (for lack of a better word) may allow for true greatness and artistic expression in work.

However, the entire concept is humbling and interesting. I may investigate further into this....