Tuesday, 3 November 2009


Atheism as opposed to Theism, asserts that there is no deity or divine essence within the Universe. My question is why such certainty in the non-existance of a Divine Being? I understand the millions of people who have "faith" in a certain belief system, largely to the fact that they were raised as children in a certain belief system. Religion holds value in the sense that it, in most cases, purports excellent values, provides a unity among it's followers, and serves as a gathering point/social community for it's believers. However, religion itself, it must be made clear has many less positive sides, especially the use of violence towards those who do not practice the same faith. In many cases, the religions themselves do not view violence in a positive light, however the followers of a certain faith may not be 100% religious (ironically enough).

Religion, is practiced by billions of human beings, and though not everyone can be right, it is rare to find people actually seeking truth. For there is only truth or untruth in the universe regarding the divine. One can not tell truth and lie at the same time..... As most religions in the world claim to be the correct one, it can only be said that the majority of the people in the world, must be "incorrect" in placing blind faith in the religion of their fathers. That is why education, knowledge, and extreme caution should be exercised when seeking truth. I have met a large number of people whom are happy to be born into and practice a certain faith throughout their lives, without really paying any attention at all to what they are worshipping or doing.

Hence, all the violence in the world, due to religion. If people actually cared for their belief system, and truly believed in it, they would not break the codes so nonchalantly and claim divine guidance when they do so.

Saying that, atheists, without proof claim there is no divine. To deny the existence of something, due to lack of evidence does not make sense, when the denial itself has no evidence. Would it not be more accurate to state, this is a grey area, and unknown? However, atheists too are subject to human feelings, and must have an idea of what will happen in the after life. Atheists do not believe in an afterlife yet somehow they must have knowledge that "nothing" happens after death except non-existence.

I believe Atheists are subject to what all other human beings are victim of which is the fear of the unknown. To die and not have a belief about what will happen must be a scary prospect. So the atheist has faith that when he dies nothing will happen and he will become non-existent. That is fair enough, however a belief just the same, as there is no proof of this concept.

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